Blue and white general pot traditional handmade porcelain

Blue and white general pot traditional handmade ceramics


The general jar is a treasure of Chinese ceramic art. – Pot type, named after the shape of the pearl cap like a general’s helmet. First seen in the Ming Dynasty jiajing, Wanli Dynasty, to the Qing Dynasty shunzhi basic stereotypes. The Qing Kangxi Dynasty was the most popular. The tank has a straight mouth, full shoulders, a convergent belly, a flat sandy bottom, and a high round cover with a baozhu top.


Blue and white general pot flower pattern porcelain

Blue and white general pot lotus pattern ceramics

To the official kiln of the Ming Dynasty, the general jar was used to be as a gift to the military commander, while the gift of civil official was based on the four treasures of the scholar (writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper). In Qing Dynasty, The ordinary officials use them to hold gold and silver and beloved things. The Buddha is used to hold the beads and so on. A superstitious statement that porcelain general jar will bring official luck, wealth and good fortune.



Blue and white tea pot traditional handmade porcelain

The most representative blue and white colors are two kinds, one is rich and deep, the color is dark blue; the other is low in iron content, showing elegant and pure color, which is mostly used to depict flowers and birds. The shape is full, and the whole is like a general with a helmet and armor. It is steady and straight, and strong. The whole body of the temple jar is decorated with blue and white tangled lotus, and the white is slightly blue.

Blue and white general pot flower pattern ceramics

Blue and white general pot dragon pattern ceramics

Mature blue and white porcelain appeared in Jingdezhen during the Yuan Dynasty. Due to the adoption of “porcelain stone + kaolin” dual formula, the content of Al2O3 in the embryo is increased, the firing temperature is increased, and the deformation rate in the roasting process is reduced. The body of most implements is so thick, thick and full of shape. Fetal color slightly gray, yellow, loose fetal quality. Although the models of each period have changed slightly, they are characterized by the atmosphere and grandeur. The blue-and-white porcelain general jar is the leader of the Kangxi dynasty blue-and-white porcelain. Because of its large shape, the blue-and-white craft has been fully expressed. Porcelain collectors believe that lotus leaf porcelain cans and large porcelain cans are the predecessors of porcelain general jars.









If you like traditonal culture, admire jingdezhen ceramic art, and recognize the artistic value of the general pot, we suggest you come to ShengJiang company, the world leader in jingdezhen ceramic products, to collect or customize the general pot, a gem of Chinese ceramic art. Welcome to inquire the order of high-end atmospheric Chinese art treasures ——general pot.



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